'Believe, Excite, Succeed, Together'


At Welbourn Church of England Primary School we aim for our children to become geographers. We learn geography to understand our physical world, how it changes and affects us and the living things within it. Geography is broken down into these fundamental key concepts:

  • Locational knowledge
  • Place knowledge
  • Human and physical knowledge
  • Geographical skills and fieldwork


Intent – view our detailed Long Term plans for each Key Stage. These include:

  • The Geography POS from the National Curriculum 
  • Knowledge objectives for locational and place
  • Knowledge objectives for human geography
  • Knowledge objectives for physical geography
  • Knowledge objectives for geographical understanding and skills
  • Tier 2 Key vocabulary

Geography concepts

We teach Geography through the following concepts: 

Physical geography (bodies of water, biomes, tectonics, topography)

Boundaries and cartography (continents/nations, maps/atlases, localities, symbols)

Resources and interdependence (food supply, economy and trade, infrastructure, energy)

Settlement and movement (population, migration, rural, urban, navigation, transport, community)

Climate and change (weather, climate zones, adaptation, climate change, sustainability, pollution)



Prior to the topic

  • Children will complete a pre learning task to see what they already know and remember, this will act as a baseline but teachers must consider the previously taught knowledge and skills already taught in the curriculum.

During a topic

  • At the beginning of a topic and throughout the topic, children will consider and recap where the geography that they are learning fits locally and globally.
  • Each lesson children will be reminded of the key knowledge that they learnt previously and how this links to current learning.
  • Specialist key vocabulary will be explicitly taught at the beginning and throughout a topic.
  • Lessons will include geographical enquiry – children will be encouraged to follow their own lines of enquiry as well as creating their own.
  • Lessons will be delivered through carefully considered content, resources and perspectives ensuring that the children experience a rounded view of a country to prevent a ‘single story approach’.
  • Children will use low stakes testing throughout the topic to recall key information. 
  • Children will be encouraged to make connections and comparisons, investigate places and patterns, to understand cause and effect and appreciate the world around them.
  • Children will take part in field work and outdoor opportunities to develop skills in meaningful contexts.  
  • Children will be encouraged to use a range of sources to access information, such as the internet, Google Earth, globes, atlases, maps, ordnance survey maps, local street plans.
  • Geography learning will be presented in a range of ways – this will include using a range of cross curricular opportunities such as IT, maths, writing, art.
  • Children will be expected to create an extended piece of writing at least once per half term.
  • Teachers will adapt learning to meet the needs of all children, using differentiation and adult support.
  • Elaborative questioning, using Blooms taxonomy, will be used to challenge pupils.
  • Trips and visitors will be used to enhance learning experiences.
  • Learning walls will include the topic title, key vocabulary, a world map and key facts to scaffold learning.



A reflection and evaluation of standards against the learning outcomes (LTPs)We monitor the impact of children’s learning through:

  • Tracking pupil knowledge in pre and post assessments, including use of low stakes testing.
  • Children will add to their pre learning on a weekly basis to recall key knowledge. 
  • Children will self assess against the key knowledge that they have been taught at the end of each topic. 
  • Teachers will assess against the key knowledge and skills, which creates an overview of whether the children are working at age related expectations or not. 
  • Pupil discussions
  • Monitoring books.


Please click on the links to see our long term school overviews:

Click here to see the overview for cycle A


Click here to see the LTP for KS1 for 23-24

Click here to see the LTP for KS2 for 23-24


Click here to see the progression of skills for Geography