'Believe, Excite, Succeed, Together' 

Welbourn CE Primary School 

Sport Premium


At Welbourn, we strive to provide excellent opportunities for our children by offering a wide range of sport, both in P.E. lessons and in After School Clubs.  We have an invaluable link to Carre's Grammar School and their outreach team who come into each class on a weekly basis to enable our staff to offer the best possible teaching to our pupils. We are also an Inspire+ member school and benefit from olympic / paralympic visitors and other competitions and events. 
We aim to provide safe, nurturing and challenging lessons, pushing our enthusiastic learners while encouraging those who are not as confident. P.E and Sport is vital to help develop a competitive spirit and teamwork, alongside individual skills. We have a range of enriching activities to compliment this, such as wellbeing sessions, school games competitions and training up our children to become Sports Leaders. 
Our pupils relish the time they spend with our coaches, both in school and after in clubs. You can read our report about sports by following the links at the bottom of the page. 


As a school, we have allocated funding known as P.E. Premium which can only be spent on provision for our children for Sport and P.E. To abide by our aim of our children having excellent teaching and a wide range of opportunities, we use the resources and expertise of the Outreach Team at Carre's, headed up by Mr. Matthew Strange.

What is the budget?

Annually, the school receives a budget of £16000 plus £10 per child on roll from the Department of Education. Schools should prioritise PE and sport premium spending to improve in the following 5 key areas:
  • increasing all staff’s confidence, knowledge and skills in teaching PE and sport
  • increasing engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity and sport
  • raising the profile of PE and sport across the school, to support whole school improvement
  • offer a broader and more equal experience of a range of sports and physical activities to all pupils increase participation in competitive sport.

Our P.E. Co-ordinator works in close relationship with the Headteacher to establish the most appropriate way to spend our budget, providing maximum impact on the teaching and learning in our school, while also providing quality and breadth for our pupils.

How is it being spent?

This academic year, our focus will be on the continuation and progression of high quality lessons through the use of the Outreach Coaches and enhancing the range and types of sports our children can take part in.  We have invested in a coach for two P.E. lessons for each class per week to provide quality education for our children. Their expertise allows for the children to be taught in Volleyball, Lacrosse, Footall, Basketball, Cricket, Rounders, Handball, Tennis, Badminton, Athletics and Rugby.  
Our P.E. Co-ordinator has continued to develop our curriculum by working closely with sports coaches and Matthew Strange who both work in our school regularly. The budget is also spent on equipment for the school, allowing continuation of clubs or further lessons after sessions have been taught.

What is the impact?

With the breadth of sports being taught, the children are now partaking in competitions both inside and outside of school and against other schools too. Opportunities for staff to be trained outside of school at Sports Conferences and networking opportunities have been taken up and further CPD in school has taken place since, therefore all staff members are benefiting. 

How will we sustain this?

New relationships are being created with local schools so that we can continue to work together. Children are signposted to community opportunities so they can continue to pursue any new-found interests.


Our data for 2017/18 was 100% of our Y6 pupils (8/8) met the National Curriculum requirement as a minimum.

Our data for 2018/19 was 87.5% of our Y6 pupils (14/16) met the National Curriculum requirement as a minimum

*Swimming did not take place as planned in Summer term 2020 due to COVID-19*

Our data for 2020/2021 was 60% of our Y6 pupils met the National Curriculum requirement

Our data for 2021/2022 was 88% of our Y6 pupils met the National Curriculum requirement

Our data for 2022/223 was 100% of our Y6 pupils met the National Curriculum requirement 


Sport Premium reports

Click here to access the Sports Premium intended spend for 2023 - 2024